2021 Shuv Show "One Big Fat Deception" ‘Did God Really Say?’ Christene Jackman

7 months ago

2021 Shuv Show
"One Big Fat Deception"
‘Did God Really Say?’
Christene Jackman ©4.5.2021

Welcome to the Shuv Show. I'm your host, Christene Jackman.
Tonight, we'll discuss One Big Fat Deception: a devious device of disinformation dredged up from the Pit of Hell time and again. As soon as people shuv, repent and attempt to come back to the Ways of HaShem, before long, this One Big Fat Deception is tossed from the devil's arsenal. Like tear gas, it explodes, a burning cloud permeating the air. People cover their eyes, choking and wandering in the fog. They cannot see. This One Big Fat Deception emerges from the two favorite weapons of our Adversary: 1) Did God Really Say? And 2) You will be as gods.

How do you avoid falling for a lie? Voraciously examine the Original. Then you will spot any counterfeit.
What is this One Big Fat Deception that plagues the "church" and mankind?
Let's first look an example of the Original.

"Now there was a famine in the days of David for three years, year after year; and David sought the presence of HaShem." 2 Samuel 21:1
Let stop there. The question you need to ask is: Why is there famine? Isn't David a man after God's own heart? Famine and Drought can be a sign of judgment . . . "

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