Ninel Kulagina:接受最多次測試的超意念力擁有者

7 months ago

影片描述:講述一個在冷戰時期自稱擁有幾種超意念力(psi能力)、而且通過超過兩百次測試的俄羅斯女人Ninel Kulagina(Nina Kulagina)的一生,並分析她是否真的擁有這些超意念力。










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Australian Broadcasting Company

The Pittsburgh Press

Benson-Henry Institute


The Aperiodical

American Association for the Advancement of Science


Etzel Cardeña

Christian Agrillo

itv Studio

Mary Evans Picture Library

John Cutten

Walter Henry Uphoff

Mary Jo Uphoff

New Frontier Center

The Guardian

Smithsonian Magazine

Marquette University Law School

The Wall Street Journal

The Federalist

Skeptical about Skeptics

Marquette University Law School


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