Daily Carbohydrates Consumption by Country and World since 1961

5 months ago

Data are based on supply to households and individuals. Please note that data of supply to a household and to and individual does not take food waste on consumer level into account. So, the actual average consumption is lower than supply. Waste amount also vary between different countries.

Since 1961, global carbohydrate consumption has seen significant changes influenced by economic development, dietary transitions, and cultural shifts. Carbohydrates, primarily sourced from grains like wheat, rice, and maize, have been the staple of diets worldwide. In the 1960s, diets in developing regions were heavily reliant on these staples, while developed countries had more diverse carbohydrate sources, including higher consumption of processed foods and sugars.

Over the decades, rapid industrialization and urbanization led to increased availability and consumption of processed foods rich in refined carbohydrates and sugars, particularly in developing countries. This shift contributed to rising obesity and diabetes rates globally. In contrast, some developed countries have seen a trend toward healthier carbohydrate choices, with a growing preference for whole grains and a reduction in refined sugars, driven by heightened health awareness.

Economic growth has also played a crucial role, as increased income levels have enabled more diverse diets. The globalization of food systems and the influence of Western dietary patterns have further shaped carbohydrate consumption trends.

Overall, while carbohydrates remain a fundamental component of diets worldwide, the type and quality of carbohydrates consumed have evolved significantly, reflecting broader socioeconomic and cultural changes.

Data source: FAO

Music: IMPERSS MUSIC - Out of Time (Original Mix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ0DOeaT9ds

Data visualization created with flourish.studio https://flourish.studio

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