The Zara Project & Zara's Garden

7 months ago

This is a description of the Zara Project - Nevada Vax Watch's first community project and only initial focus in Nevada.

This is my first video talking about it. I promise they will get continuously become better, but we all have to start somewhere.

I took me almost a decade 10 years to make this video.

This topic is painful for many reasons but it's time in Nevada to learn to "Love Thy Nevadan Vaccine Injured Neighbor."

To learn more please visit

If you are a Nevadan and have believe you have experienced a vaccine related injury in Nevada please submit your testimony at

If you are a Nevadan please consider becoming a donating member to help the Zara Project come to life and help seed the cultivation of Zara's Garden.

"It begins with Love,
And Ends With Love,
Love Has No Master,
And Love is the Way."


With Love, Of course,

Matt Shiel

Founder of Nevada Vax Watch.

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