Why College is a Scam: Indoctrination vs. Education | Critical Thinking & Fear of Expression

7 months ago

In this video, we delve into the controversial topic of whether college has become more of an indoctrination center than a place of balanced education. Many students today feel afraid to express their true viewpoints in their essays, fearing lower grades if their opinions differ from those of their professors. This lack of a balanced, critical review stifles intellectual freedom and undermines true education. Join me as we explore these issues and discuss potential alternatives for those seeking a different path. Let's connect and see if my opportunity might be right for you.

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"Why College is a Scam: Indoctrination vs. Education | Critical Thinking & Fear of Expression"

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#collegeeducation #highereducation #criticalthinking #studentvoices #educationreform #collegecontroversy #academicfreedom #professorbias #indoctrination #freeexpression #studentfear #opinionmatters #balancededucation #educationdebate #universityissues

why college is a scam
indoctrination in universities
fear of expressing opinions in college
professor bias in grading
critical thinking vs indoctrination
problems with higher education
academic freedom in universities
balanced education in college
alternatives to traditional college education
expressing differing opinions in essays

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