Where IS THAT “Climate change” in TX?

6 months ago

We know with fair accuracy when & where given #hurricanes land: but what if NONE (not “MANY” as predicted) came, in the decade post-Katrina? —Why do entities who can’t predict weather accurately for the next DAY, do seasonal predictions? I’ve not seen ANY replay their dire warnings 6 months along, & admit “WE WERE WRONG—RE: those other folks who’ve scared us: one scared ME before I got Godly wisdom: The author of the prophetic book (so grossly wrong even “Wicked-Pedia” says was!) is STILL HONORED & GIVING speeches today. Paul R. Ehrlich & his “#PopulationBomb” caused me to give a pro-#abortion speech to my HS class of ‘77; (& caused #China & the West to turn against our own #babies?) It caused a “woman-shortage” in China, (as undesirable girl babies were selectively murdered, post- birth) —& withering away of America & the #West: as nobody has kids anymore, (of either flavor). QUESTION AUTHORITY, y’all. #Children (and #faith that our #God is good) —are a heritage from #TheLord.

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