TGW: Ultimate Alliance Gold Edition Walkthrough - Skrull

4 months ago

A walk through of Ultimate Alliance Gold Edition. Hawk-eye, Night-crawler, Sabre-tooth and Venom take on Act 4 of Ultimate Alliance. In this episode the team travel to the Skull planet. a alien subculture race that hates Humans and tried to enslave them. the team travel on and come across Skrull military but unexpectedly Galactu's Minions, the team fight both off and travel on till they meet a Skrull Empress, a Skrull named Paibok, a Skrull named Super Skrull, The Empress allows the team to choose one of the skrulls as a guide to aid the team into opening the main hanger door, the team choose Super Skrull and venture off fighting enemies then they open the main hanger door, however, it turns out the Skrull Empress wasn't going to help the team and instead has the two skrulls we got help from betray us, Venom slings his way into unlocking his final costume, the team defeat Super Skrull and Paibok and head off only to be attacked by the Empress's ship, Nightcrawler slices his way into unlocking his final costume, Hawkeye aims his way into unlocking his final costume, and Sabretooth slashes his way into unlocking his final costume, after the team avoid the Empress's Ship they successfully manage to get closer to Galactus, the team encounter a brute named Titannus who was experimented on by Skrull scientists, The team stop the Brute and Sucessfully reached Galactus. The team avoid Galactus but Nightcrawler and Sabretooth die from a collapsed bridge leaving it up to Venom and Hawkeye to finish the job but then...Silver Surfer arrives to aid the team! Silver Surfer says to activate the Feedback loop so that Galactus can use a powerful energy ball against the team but, Silver surfer says he will distract Galactus so that the ball explodes in front of him, The team successfully distract Galactus and defeat him, Nick-Fury contacts the team letting them know they need to head back to Earth to defeat Dr Doom. tune in for part 15 to see the Grand Finale with the original team Dr Doom, Magneto, Cyclops, and Hulk ;)

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