Stephen Darby Ministries: Hollywood (Satan's Prophetic Programming)

7 months ago

THEY KILLED HIM: For teaching, and reaching to many with the truth.
The Tragic Incident:
On December 15, 2017, Pastor Stephen Darby was at Grace Retreat Village when he suddenly collapsed and lost consciousness. He was airlifted to the hospital, but he could not be revived. He was pronounced dead at the age of 51. His family and followers were shocked and saddened by his sudden passing, and many questions remained unanswered about his cause of death.

The Autopsy Report
To find out the truth behind the mysterious death of Pastor Stephen Darby, the hospital conducted an autopsy on his body. The autopsy report revealed that Pastor Stephen Darby died of a heart attack, caused by severe coronary artery disease. The report also showed that there were no signs of external injuries or trauma. According to Beef Daily, his arteries were heavily clogged, leading to restricted blood flow to his heart. This condition could have been asymptomatic, meaning that he did not experience any symptoms or warning signs before the fatal attack.

Find Him: youtube channel

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