Brace for Impact: Global Elites Perfect the Art of Cyber Chaos!

2 months ago

The Global Powers Unite in a Flawless Plan: A Cyber Attack Extravaganza

Ah, the illustrious global powers have finally found common ground! They’ve all nodded sagely and decided that a massive cyber attack, complete with delightful "global" power outages, is the way forward. How delightful! And why wouldn't they? After all, they've even rehearsed this thrilling scenario at the grand Cyberpolygon gala.

"We pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack," crooned Klaus Schwab, with all the poise of someone reading a bedtime story to a room full of terrified toddlers.

So, dear reader, rest assured that while we fret over our daily inconveniences, the world's leaders are diligently plotting our collective plunge into darkness. But hey, at least they practiced!

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