Australian News Update - Edition 1

3 months ago

Why are these Australian representatives proud to have taken part in breaking international law at the World Health Assembly?

Do they represent you?

Did they know about the coercion of other nations delegates at the World Health Assembly? Did they take part in it?

Why would our Health Minister Mark Butler be so determined to give the Bill Gates controlled W.H.O finance – meaning taxpayer funds - to “fulfil its mandate”.

Did you know the World Health Organization had an Australian mandate?

Mark Butler says Australia is also “fully committed to concluding the W.H.O Pandemic Agreement.”

Are you fully committed to giving the bloated, corrupt W.H.O bureaucrats more than $5 billion a year – or 5% of the Australian Health budget for pandemic preparedness alone every year?

The W.H.O negotiated the worldwide zero liability for the Covid-19 mRNA shots. And they were wrong on every aspect of Covid-19 management – they are behind the misery and botched response.

Why are Mark Butler and Prof. Paul Kelly celebrating giving The W.H.O more power? Why is Prof. Paul Kelly lying about there being a vote when there was no vote?

Did you know Australia has a “ shared ambition towards a set of binding international commitments”
......while other countries fought to have the word ‘binding’ removed, Australian representatives sought the W.H.O chains. Are they unable to make decisions for Australians?

Or are they not working for Australians?

We know the Chair and at least one JSCOT Committee member are sponsored by the Gates Foundation. Should they be in charge of deciding if the W.H.O has more power?

It is time for truth. It is time for Australian representatives and Public Servants to declare all of their conflicts of interest and for them to be made accountable for their actions.

The solution to this area of corruption and deadly deceit is simple.

Australia must Exit the WHO.

Join us to fight for what is right. Australia must be run by Australians without damaging, offshore interests openly undermining our democracy. We are many, they are few.

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