Going Clear, Part 10 Cult Awareness Network – False Propaganda

7 months ago

Going Clear, Part 10 Cult Awareness Network – False Propaganda

He takes up the Cult Awareness Network. I’m pretty sure I went over this with him. If I hadn’t, if he’d have, I’m an eye witness, in fact I’m the causation agent of this, you know, I’m a causation agent to this demise of Cult Awareness Network. Never shirked away from it, but of course in the anti-Scientology field they don’t want to know the whole facts. And they’re just omitted entirely here.

He says that they were bankrupted by 50 lawsuits brought by Scientologists and goes on and on and on about this, was this incredibly terrible thing, but he never talks about the substance of it. And the substance of it was that Cult Awareness Network was being used, literally, as an arm in the Internal Revenue Service, to investigate Scientology and Scientologists. And we documented that. And they were being used, much as Larry Wright is doing today, as being a propaganda arm against Scientology, right?

And so they were using Cult Awareness Network to literally create reasons why not to grant exemption to Scientology, the IRS was, and, and so we found out that the Cult Awareness Network was doing all this while enjoying exemption, as a “educational” organization. And under the regulations, they are required by law in order to qualify for exemption, to present both sides of the issues that they address.

It wasn’t issues plural that they ever addressed, they only addressed Scientology, number one, and they only addressed one side of it. It was literally a propaganda arm to denounce it. So they were in, utterly in violation of that, of that mandate.

And so, and I was involved in this. I’m not going to take credit for it, for originating it, but I helped execute it. But it was a brilliant idea, and the idea was, have Scientologists go sign up for Cult Awareness Network, to provide the other side of the story. To which then Cult Awareness network compounded their own felony by denying Scientologists participation. So not only would they not be balanced, they wouldn’t even let somebody participate who would provide the balance. And that is the reason for the lawsuits, which he never explains.

So in other words, the 50 lawsuits, were absolutely meritorious lawsuits based on civil rights principles. And that’s why they got buried and ate it, and it broke them. But he never gives you the substance, he just says 50 lawsuits, litigious cult.

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