Joy Reid Takes Batsh!t Insane To Whole New Level Sleuthing What REALLY Happened At Trump Shooting

7 months ago

Posted • July 18, 2024: As you all know, our pals on the Left have not been dealing all that well with the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Trump's life this past weekend. Beyond the a-holes and d-bags complaining about the shooter missing (and there are still far too many of those floating around), we have talking heads and pundits claiming Trump actually STAGED the shooting and wasn't actually shot or hit by glass. What sort of horrible, hate-filled person would accuse a politician of staging a shooting where an innocent man LOST HIS LIFE just for a bump in ratings? Oh, Joy Reid is that sort of horrible, hate-filled person. Not to mention more than a little batsh*t nuts.

MSNBC's Joy Reid says the Trump assassination attempt was staged and he may not have even been hit by a bullet. -- Get the net! This is not even a "conspiracy theory." This is Trump Derangement Syndrome on steroids. Joy Reid should have been off the air a long time ago. It's like she is begging to be fired here. -- When did Al Sharpton transition - HA HA HA HA HA HA (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Joy Reid Takes Bats**t INSANE to Whole New Level Sleuthing What REALLY Happened at Trump Shooting

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