Eric Trump SLAMS Biden administration

7 months ago

Eric Trump: “Energy prices are soaring. Interest rates are crippling. Everything is unaffordable. The U.S. dollar has been diminished. Inflation has made it impossible for Americans to live. To save for their future. Our infrastructure is crumbling. Our border is out of control. Millions are dead and displaced in Russia and Ukraine a war that has no end, and a war that we are funding. The Middle East has become a hornets nest. Our greatest ally, Israel, totally under siege. Fentanyl is killing our youth and destroying families, while the current administration stands idly by, hoping their inaction will import illegal votes. Crime terrorizes our cities and our suburbs as far left policies hand cuff police. Male athletes, guys my height, 6’5”, are swimming in women’s sports, destroying the dreams of young girls who have trained every minute of their lives. We no longer trust our elections. We no longer trust our judicial systems. We no longer believe our government is working in our best interest.”

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