US allies warn of "diplomatic crisis"

6 months ago

Video: US allies warn of "diplomatic crisis" as American officials demand new curbs in China chip battle 美國官員要求對中國晶片戰採取新限制,美國盟友警告“外交危機”

Japan and the Netherlands are strongly resisting US demands to further limit their companies' tech exports to China, the world's largest semiconductor and electronics market.

The Biden Administration is threatening to invoke an obscure 70-year-old US law, the Foreign Direct Product Rule. This regulation authorizes the American government to impose controls and trading restrictions on any foreign-made products that use even the tiniest amount of technology or components from American sources.


拜登政府威脅要援引一項具有 70 年歷史的晦澀難懂的美國法律,即《外國直接產品規則》。 該法規授權美國政府對任何使用美國來源的技術或組件的外國製造的產品實施控制和貿易限制,即使是最少量的技術或組件.

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