Archangel Michael: Is he really Jesus? Part 3

2 months ago

In Part 3, Sam Shamoun continues his deep exposition of Hebrews 1 and reiterates his point about Jesus appearing as the Word in the Hebrew Bible. He then references Jewish sources who recognized from their reading of the Hebrew Bible, that there was a distinct divine figure called the Word that God would send to the prophets and His people. Sam continues discussing Jesus' being described as the exact copy of God's being and shows how this proves that He can't be a mere spirit creature but must be God Almighty in the flesh.

Here is the link to Anthony Roger's article where he quotes from the Targums in respect to the Memra (Word) of the Lord appearing as God to God's people:

Here is the link to the English translation of the Targums:

Here are the links to Sam's rebuttals that he provided for this series, where he refutes the arguments that JWs and cult leader Greg Stafford use to support their belief in Jesus being the archangel Michael:

The Impossibility and Irrationality of the Arian Position:

Is Jesus the Archangel Michael? Pt. 1:

Pt 2:

Pt. 3:

Pt. 4:

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