a hacker coming to death Threat of killing my family and friends (instagram didn't fix a year)

5 months ago

On DEC 9 2021,So a friend no longer got hack And we borke free, although me got hack in 2 days ago on Dec 6 2021. However he just got hack before ruined his account. also I let you know...like we living peace. It just got mad from another reason. I was about sue instagram but it did the right thing cuz i went massage to instagram and pove of everything sacmmer did. Except a good side of hacker slove a problem......a little?....lucky.... I guess...I just hate that some sacm who Pretend look like a frend. Also lessons learned if someone day information about you. Like password or phone number or IF YOU see a post I'm not supposed to...don't give it none of them. I would wish to a sacm was jail in 10 yrs. Cuz it very legally when sacmmer or bad hacker trying to selling account for 500$ a money, death Threat of frends and family while I try to Ignore them like it still goes on. even also trying getting my friend to look i was bad guy here.... so yeah thks for reading this. I justify my 1st time got sucm in my worse nightmare.

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