Going Clear, Part 9 – Wollersheim case. 7 lies in one paragraph.

6 months ago

Going Clear, Part 9 – Wollersheim case. 7 lies in one paragraph.

OK, there is one particular paragraph that, you know, 178, 179, he is talking about. Lawrence Wright is talking about the Wollersheim case on page 178, 179.
And there is one paragraph with five just outright lie, inventions of the most scandalous sort, and he managed, he managed to jam five of them into a sentence, into a paragraph that maybe has seven sentences.

“An undercover campaign was launched to discredit or blackmail Wollersheim’s lawyer, Charles O’Riley”. False. Didn’t happen. I was there. I was in charge of everything that had to do with all that. Didn’t happen.

Wright writes, “his house was bugged and his office was infiltrated by a Scientology operative”. A complete and utter invention of Lawrence Wright. It did not happen. I was there, I was in charge of all activity having to do, with anything having to do with that lawsuit and that lawyer.

Next sentence, “there was an attempt to trap him, or his bodyguards in a compromising situation with women”. False. Invented. It never happened. It did not happen.

I am sorry the count is more like seven lies. It’s, I thought it was five. The next sentence, I mean every sentence. The next sentence: “The Church also harassed the judge in the case, Ronald Swearinger”. False. Did not happen.

Next sentence, quote, “’I was followed,’ the judge said later. My car tires were slashed, my collie drowned in his pool’”. That’s unfortunate that that stuff, if that even happened in the city of Los Angeles, which, which you know, wouldn’t be that uncommon, the Church had nothing to do with it. The Church would, this was, five years after the purge of the Guardian’s Office. I mean the prophylactic measures and control measures that were put in on external activity, were so tight, that you couldn’t cough, if you were involved in anything having to do with an external situation like a lawsuit, without HQ OK, OK. The last thing in the world that anybody, I mean, people knew, within an inch of their lives that they would be purged and expelled forever if they did something as stupid and corrupt as go mess with a judge. Didn’t happen. This stuff is literally, just invented.

And the paragraph is, [cough], is capped off with a quote “a former Scientology executive, Vicki Aznaran, later testified that there was an effort to compromise the judge by setting up his son, who they heard was gay, with a minor boy”.

It’s a complete invention of Vicki Aznaran. Now, if it is even an invention of Vicki Aznaran. It says, she testified. I doubt that she testified. If she did testify, she lied and she just made this stuff up. But I don’t even, I question whether you will find such testimony. But nothing like that ever, ever, ever happened. So we have seven sentences in one paragraph, all of which are invented. Several of which are unattributed. Most of which are unattributed. He is just inventing this stuff.

Andre Tabayoyon says that Church funds were used to purchase assault rifles, shotguns, pistols. He also said that explosive devices were place around the perimeter of the fence at the Church’s headquarters, used in case of assault by law enforcement officials. I mean, this is right up there with Vicki Aznaran and Jesse Prince. I mean this is like, this is completely and utterly invented stuff. I mean, I was in charge of security for 20 some odd years, not in charge of it but intimately connected with it. From the construction of the perimeter fence to the security, you know, the electronic security system. It just does not exist, it didn’t happen. There weren’t caches of arms purchased by the Church. There was no explosive devices. I mean just, and of course not. And, again, like I said, but I could have. But I guess in this day and age people don’t care. They can get away with anything in the post-fact era. And then he says there was a sniper’s nest at the top of the hill. Like the Church had a sniper’s nest.

We are getting further and further tabloid the deeper we go into this. And these are complete inventions.

In that same paragraph, in the next paragraph, Larry Wright says: Each year a minimum of a hundred people attempted to escape from the base. Which, I mean, I don’t know where he gets; he just invented that. Complete fabrication, just invented it.

(Laughs) And then he relies on Gary Morehead and you know Gary Morehead is one of these guys, he is kind of a goofy guy, very likeable guy, but this is this whole culture has turned into this pile-on culture, that you know, people just start embellishing things to become important. I can tell you from all these people that are out, because I participated in some media and how people thought this was just the apex of importance to be in the media, right. And so I kind of watched this as people’s stories over time, they just get more and more embellished. I mean, like he brings up Gary Morehead, and again, I am not trying to put the guy down, he is just saying things that are false. He says in here that they were using scanners to listen to people’s cellphone calls. I got news. A scanner will not net you the content of a telephone call. Ok. So either he, he is into this, Gary is into this embellishment for fame or Wright has invented this. But this physical fact, I am telling you what the physical fact is a scanner will not pick up on a cellphone call.

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