Going Clear, Part 4 Wright Creating Phony Hubbard History – more straw man tactics

3 months ago

Going Clear, Part 4 Wright Creating Phony Hubbard History – more straw man tactics

But there was two things that Wright kept trying to deny to me. One that Fletcher Prouty was for real, and two that Hubbard had anything to do with naval intelligence. I just went through with him, I mean I was there. This was not something the Church dreamed up or anybody in the Church came up with. Fletcher Prouty blew us all away with his whole analysis. Number one.

And number two, on this, he kept saying well the records don’t show that. And I said, Larry what did you do with the records. He said I made a request and I got all the records from the naval center in Missouri. And I said and that was it? I said, you didn’t do any follow up? I said, Larry, listen man, I have been involved, while I was in the Church, the prosecution of thousands of FOI requests and I know you never find anything even resembling the truth, unless you persist. And we had to persist for decades, through litigation, to get, to find the truth about the substance of documents. The government would fight hammer and tongs. And I even said, have you seen documents—I think I even showed him some, because I had some from some archive—I said look, there is more blackouts than there are document. You have got to follow through, you have got to cross reference, you have got to send requests from different people, then the new line is revealed in another document. I said this is a painstaking process, it takes a lot of time and effort. He never did it. He made one request and only one request. He got one response, and that is now the gospel. Right. And anything else that might throw it into question is invented or created and anybody who has done any type of research vis-à-vis the government, particularly the US Federal Government knows, would understand that is the nadir of research to just make a single simple request and then say that’s it, I’ll settle with it.

How many people, do you think that I know, having been in Scientology for 27 years, and having been associated with Scientologists, anti-Scientologists, squirrel Scientologists, whatever, for another ten years, how many people do you think I know who got into Scientology because they had heard the legend of the heroic Navy officer who had been blinded and crippled in the war, who had healed himself through Dianetics techniques? Do you know how many people I know? Zero. Okay.

None of his sources. He tells these stories which conflict about how they got, and why they got into Scientology, and nobody, so why are we even having this discussion? And the reason I bring this up is, is I did have this discussion with Lawrence Wright. OK. I had the discussion about you have to judge somebody by their work not by their personality.

But the whole thing is about this. The whole book is about, we are going to destroy him, his personality, because after all that’s the only reason why anybody ever follows the subject. And you know, they do that with the film. He starts the film, and Lawrence Wright, I mean Alex Gibney out of nowhere says, in order to understand Scientology, you have to understand the character and history of its founder. No you don’t. The guy wrote 55 million words. Ok, the work is there, you can examine the work, you don’t need to know, you get what I am saying.

Anyway, this is sort of, this is, I bring this up here, because this whole Navy thing is a straw man and he just, again, makes this thing, some people, what people? I am unaware of any. But I get it, you need to say that so you can say why it is relevant for you to go on a 50 page rant, recounting a story that you didn’t even research but you are just repeating and making it sound like you are, doing a big expose.

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