Prophet Amanda Grace - Night of Prayer for Nation and the Trump Family- Eric + Lara Trump- Captions

7 months ago

In this video, Eric and Lara Trump, along with the host Amanda Grace, discuss the current political climate in the United States and their belief in the importance of faith and family values. They express their gratitude for the support they have received and emphasize the need to continue fighting for what they believe in. They also engage in a prayer for protection and guidance for the Trump family and for the nation as a whole. The conversation is filled with passion and conviction, as they discuss their dedication to the fight for the future of the country.

This time of prayer broadcast occurred just 7 days before the attempted assassination of President Trump in Pennsylvania. The night of prayer was requested personally by Eric and Lara Trump.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The entire original 4 hr+ video may be watched here:


Stand with Amanda Grace and special guests as we unite in prayer, interceding for our nation and the leaders. Engage in this simple yet powerful act to seek the well-being and future of our country. Your presence is invaluable as we come together in unity for this significant purpose. Join Amanda Grace as she welcomes Eric and Lara Trump, Alina Habba, Robin Bullock, Donne Clement, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Eric Metaxas and other special guests! Join us tonight, July 7th, at 5 pm ET. Here are ways to watch:

Music Copyright References:
-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
Music License:
Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
Prayer Requests:


We are vessels. God is meant to be worshiped, not family. God is meant to be worshiped. We are just his servants and his vessels that go forth in him imperfect vessels that are trying to do a extraordinary job for the Lord. You are watching Night of Prayer for the Nation and the Trump family with your host Amanda Grace. So Eric Trump is executive life preside nt of the Trump Organization and Lara Trump is the co-chair of the RNC. They are dedicated family faith in their country. They have been fighting the good fight to see this nation and our freedoms restored . They both are speakers on the Reawaken America Tour as well. Let's bring them in now. Hello. Hello. Hello. Is it just me? Did we lose Eric? You there, Eric? That's right. We're waiting for it to come on. You've got one of them. Amanda you've got the I mean I'm not going to say the best bum one but you've got one. Well it's wonderful to be with you. So I I want to get your thoughts on what's been happening. We'll pray we'll pray towards the end. We'll come together in prayer. But I want to get your sincere thoughts on what's happening right now in the country. Uh we see that sentencing has been delayed till September and I'd like to get your thoughts on this. Yeah I just think that I mean we've we've felt it's been very palpable to all of us. I think in the country what has been happening and that this is so much bigger than politics. It really is a fight good versus evil. I think we've all felt that. This is a spiritual battle. I know you've referenced that a lot of man but I think that people have felt that and I think what you're seeing happen right now is that light is being shown on so much darkness and I think that Sunlight is the best disinfectant and whether it's the debate performance that we saw from Joe Biden whether it's the fact that the Supreme Court of course Donald Trump appointed three of those Supreme Court Justices made a ruling that now has really kind of put it a tailspin on all of the weaponization that we've seen in our government and all the evil doings really that have been going on. They really cannot continue the way that a lot of these people are really attempted to have them go and so I think with so much happening right now in this country, it really does feel like to a lot of us out there that the right things are happening that the good guys are starting to be successful and starting to win but I would just say and I would caution everyone out there, it's not the Time to take our foot off the gas. It's not the time to let our guards down. We still have a ways to go in this fight in this game. We will never assume anything. You have to continue to fight like you're behind and play the game like you're behind and so that's what we're doing at the RNC. That's certainly the way we're operating in the Trump family but I do think that so many of us if you look around and see the things that are happening, it's pretty clear that the the efforts to bring more evil in and to to really attack so many of us in this country especially my father-in-law have continued to fail and I think there's only one reason that that is happening. It is because we are all people who believe that there is one person in control of things that is not us here on earth. It is not happening in our time. It's happening in God's time and now is the time he is ready to show exactly what has been going on and right the wrongs. Amen. I wanted to tell the two of you that Ray and Lisa are Here to my right. They are actually in the office hanging out over here with Lisa you want to poke your head? Can you poke your head? There she is. There she is. His daughter on the side there. Yep. We got a whole lot in here. It's amazing. Which is great. Which is great. Eric I'm so glad you're able to get on. There he is. Russia how many more you know millions of people need to die in the Middle East and you know the whole world's become a warness nest to us because of bad leadership in the US and but our priorities are are all a skew we're not focused on the right thing we should be focused on family we should be focused on God we should be focused on our constitution we should be live you know focused on being the greatest country on you know on planet or not losing that to China not losing that to a lot of other adversaries who believe me want to be in that number one you know position and we're not on because we have got a bad leader who doesn't have any charisma or energy or passion or frankly common sense you know and that's what we're hoping to restore. Oh it's interesting what we all witnessed. We witnessed some some very sobering events that came one after the other. So we saw the debate. And I'm not sure Mister Biden even knew where he was. Uh to be honest with you. You know he looked just completely tired, withered, and just basically done. Uh and so right after that sentencing was delayed. And I want to get your thoughts on that quickly because I think believe it's been delayed till September. Correct? Well I mentioned before that sometimes I think there's divine intervention at at all the right times. You know sometimes when you feel the lowest all of a sudden there will be a massive reversal and I sat in a courtroom every day Amanda. Uh I've never seen a bigger sham in my life. Um a day you know my father was sitting there where they were doing the said that saying you had a maniac in Times Square with the machete hacking tourists right? And I in McDonald's and and this is what the district attorney was focused on and the whole thing was corrupt. I mean I've never seen that. I'm not a tin foil hat wearing guy. The entire thing was corrupt. And and we've seen a the day he came down the escalator and then sure enough you know two weeks later the Supreme Court ruling comes out and and just you know totally you know changes everything and and it's certain way it's you you can you can feel the energy you can feel some kind of spirit fighting back against the evilness I mean you have Joe Biden who put the number third in the Department of Justice sent him to New York to prosecute his political opponent. The number third that worked for Biden in the DOJ was transferred to New York to work on nothing but prosecuting Donald J Trump and you know there's a lot of evil and there's a lot of corruption in our government and you know they they do this for an intended purpose and and that's the that's to get him right that to ultimately hurt this country but to get Donald Trump and you really do feel the power fighting back and you know the role of a reversal I don't think anybody would have ever seen this coming if you're you know rewind the tapes for weeks but it's really remarkable it's it's beautiful it's remarkable and it's one of the things that reinforces really in my in my heart and soul why we're going to win November hm Larry have anything to add? Yeah listen I just think you know there there's so much that's really been exposed and it and it always takes me back to you know it's felt like there's there was a lot of of heaviness and really darkness in our country. I would say over the past three and a half four and a half years. You know you start in the time of COVID and the way that our our country was just destroyed. The world was a different place and then you go into of course the the Biden presidency and the disasters that have ensued with that and the more light that we are shining in these dark places, the more people are learning, the more they're waking up and the more I think they are awake, they're never going back to sleep and so much of what people have been sold. I think specifically about Donald Trump is now being kind of rewritten and they're seeing things in a new light and whether it's the fact that that this part the Democrat Party has lied to the American people about the state of Joe Biden himself. These people have known for a long time he's not capable of being president of the United States. He doesn't have the faculties about him to actually do this job and they lied to you about it or the fact that people now realize they lied about the Russia collusion hoax. They lied about the Hunter Biden laptop. They've lied pretty much every time they possibly could about Donald Trump in a whole host of different senses. And I think there's so many people right now who are having an awakening of sorts and I've said it for a long time. I think I said it earlier. I I I never believe that things happen in our time and sometimes we don't understand it. They always happen in God's time. And 2020 was obviously an election. We all wanted to go a different way. But I almost feel like it was God saying look you need to see what is actually going on and understand it and we're seeing it all happen Amanda right now in this time and it's it's incredible to see the people who come up to me and Eric on a daily basis. We're traveling all over the country right now and people who are telling us, wow, I never thought I would say this but I love your father-in-law. I love your father. I understand now why Donald Trump is the person we need to have in that White House. Once people see it, they're never going back and often times, those are the strongest supporters of Donald Trump, the strongest people in the Conservative movement because they realized what was at stake and the way they were lied to about such a big deal as as our our current president, our former president, and I believe the future president of the United States, Donald Trump. So, it's an amazing time. I'm honored to be in this role as co-chair of the RNC. I don't think there's any better place I could be to fight alongside so many freedom-loving patriots out there. I promise you, we are doing everything we possibly can in our power to ensure free, fair, and transparent Election and I believe when every legal vote is counted, Donald Trump will be re-elected as our next president. I'm very glad that you became co-chair of the RNC because that needed to be purged and cleaned up. Thank you. Truly did and you're one of the people to do it. So, you know, because people have lost, you know, they see what's happening. They see this creature that has merged. This strange creature that's half elephant, half donkey that has emerged behind the scenes, right? And come and people are seeing this and they're seeing this strange creature that has come together in order to attack an outsider that was purposely chosen by God in 2016 to come in to purposely do this and on top of it the people of this nation took it as an indictment of them as well when all these indictments came down this was an indictment of the people as well of this as a nation who voted their conscience and this is what they're trying do. It's very reminiscent to me of the Waimar Republic and what rose in Germany and what they tried to do in Germany at that time. This is very reminiscent to me and I truly believe right now we are in the valley of this decision. I have been saying this over and over again. 20 twenty-four is the year of Joshua twenty-four. Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose. Well is Eric is Eric still there? Well I'm still I'll still upline on that. This is this is the year. This is the time. It's right now. And I I just want to say look if I'll put my my RNC co-chair hat on very quickly. This is not an election that any of us can sit out. There is something for everyone to do. There's a role for you to play. Whether you want to be part of our election integrity team. Protect the vote. com. You can go there and you can sign up. We will train you to work in polling to work in tabulations fenders where mail in ballots come in whether it's that you want to door knock whether it's what you want to be part of our ballot harvesting operation we have a legal ballot harvesting operation at the RNC first time we've ever had it Donald J Trump. com you can sign up there you can just make it a mission of yours to get out and vote and make sure that every person you encounter is getting out to vote you cannot take anything for granted right now you can't sit this one out you're right this is the year. The tides are turning. Something is changing. But we all have to be in this fight together. We all have to take this very seriously. And I can assure you that if we all do I know the right outcome will happen of this election. And look it really doesn't matter whether it's Joe Biden. There's a lot of talk about who's it going to be? Are they going to keep Joe? Are they going to replace him with Kamala? Are they going to replace him with someone else? It doesn't matter. I believe God has chosen his fighter and it's Donald Trump. I believe Donald Trump was made for such a time as this. Not only is this man still standing after all they've put him through. He's still fighting. He's up in the polls. He goes up every single day. It is it's amazing to see and none of it makes sense Amanda unless you actually take a step back and you look at the big picture here and you look at who truly is in charge and again it always goes back to God. It's amazing. Amen. Um I I I'll give the floor to you in a moment Eric. Yeah. Mm hmm. The one. Yeah one other thing. I think I think God has truly educated you know a person named Donald Trump as well right? And and a little bit of the trials and tribulations of all that they put him through. All the nonsense. It's actually exposing who these people really are right? It's it's actually as uncomfortable as been for him as uncomfortable as been for our family. It's shown him where all the corruption truly lays and I think that's all corruption that he can root out you know when he gets back in and you know in his first four years in office. I don't think you had a better four years of any president ever. We had the best economy. We had the best inflation. We had the best mortgage rates we had you know the lowest unemployment in the history of this nation with peace in the world there's no wars I mean I could go on and on right the Abraham Awards Israel I mean I could go on and on and so much of the religious freedom but now he also knows where the the bones are buried in Washington DC right and and I think his final four years could be the most effective ever you know he knows the road map he knows the system he knows who these people are you know they really hadn't shown their heads back then which is kind of interesting right we always talk about draining the but we didn't really know what the swamp was. We always kind of considered the swamp politicians who had been in Washington for 50 years and that's what we really considered the swamp but I think America understands now the swamp is a lot deeper than I think everybody thought it was in 2016 and you know, we can all define the swamp now. We know what it is. We know where the corruption you know, lies. We we know the games that they play and I think the final four years of Donald Trump will be the most exciting will be the most transformational and will be the greatest four years in the history of of this nation. I really truly believe that and it excites every day and listen, Laura and I don't need to be out there fighting. We could do plenty of other things and we do it because we believe in not only and a man who's been an amazing father to me and not father-in-law to Laura but somebody that would do a hell of a good job. Uh even a better job than 2016, which is kind of hard to believe because again, I I truly do believe he's one of the most transformational presidents ever. So, we're excited about it and as I said before, we're going to fight for this country. We're going to fight for a flag. We're going to fight for God. We're going to fight for our religion and we're going to fight for Families. Um we will. You know, it's it's enough of this crusade that they have against all of us. They're trying to remove you know, God, you know, under God the pledge of allegiance. You know, in God we trust. They want to remove that from our national currency. They're trying to take prayer out of school. They're trying to take prayer out of households. They're trying to divide family. Uh they're trying to shatter values. It's enough. I mean, we're we're going to break as a society if that continues to happen. We go to a very very dark place very quickly and and all of that's going to be storm along with so many other things that we care about. I wanted to do with our last few minutes if you're open for it. I wanted to pray and I would like one of you, you can decide which one to start the prayer, even if it's 60 seconds, it's fine and then if you like, I'll pray for the two of you and your family. That's so nice. You want to who do you want? Do it if you want. You both can actually, you know, add something and then I'll add. It's up to you. Okay, Go ahead for it. I have to I I have to I have to I have to tell you we do this. Lauren and I do this every night with our two kids and it's it's a beautiful thing so we make them tell us one thing that they're thankful for each and then we make them each tell us something nice that they did for somebody else and something nice that somebody else did for them and we make them to do a little prayer but you know dear lord I pray for President Donald Trump. I I pray that this country restores him and he's able to save the greatest country that we've ever known as as as a world. Um you know thank you for the guidance. We feel your protection. We feel your power. We feel your love every single day. We feel it as a as a family. Uh give us the wisdom that we need as we go through this fight. Give us the backbone that we need and the courage that we need to take it on each and every day. Um and ultimately that'll lead to victory and ultimately in victory will make you incredibly proud. We'll we'll save the nuclear family. We'll save spirituality will save all things that are important to us as people but also us as a society and will rid evilness from this world and with that maybe I'll pass it over to Laura dear God thank you for the guidance you've given us so far please form us as what weapons for good as weapons in this fight this spiritual battle that we all feel not just here in America but truly around the world we want to be a force of good and we know that with you we can do that God I would pray that you Please protect Donald Trump. There is so much against him right now. There has been so much against him right now and as we come up to the most important election in any of our lifetimes it is frightening to think of the links that some may go. Please surround him with your protection. With strength you have given him so much. You give it all to us all the time. Please allow us to do your deeds and to do what you want. Guide us every day as we enter the the final you know foray of this fight. This is the fight for the future of this country and we want to give it back to we the people. We want to do what you command us to do. So please give us guidance. Please give us strength and please give us all the support we need in this battle. Yes we do. Father God in Jesus name Lord we praise you that we're gathered together Lord. Lord we are the Ecclesia Father God. Lord we are meant to be the ruling body father and lord we just bring this nation and this the Trump family father God before you Eric and Lara and Donald father God and the entire family lord and their children before you father God lord you say in the book of Isaiah fear not for I am with you be not dismayed for I am your God behold I will strengthen you I will uphold you with my righteous right hand says the lord of hosts father you are the righteous judge and you sit on the highest throne and we have brought this case before the high throne because the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof the earth is your footstool and father we are asking as we ask you to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness father lord that you would bring a ruling down father God from your throne that would be sent into the earth that would be sent into the courts father that would be sent into this nation father God to begin to bring rectification father to what has happened father we pray in Jesus name lord that not one here any of their heads or their children are harmed father that your holy angels of all offices rankings and divisions would be dispatch father God to surround them to surround Lara where she is and Eric on Trump force one father God and their family lord to make a hedge a shield and a wall of protection that every work of darkness and iniquity would be struck down father God that no weapon that is formed against them shall prosper and every tongue that rises against them in judgement lord you shall condemn this is the heritage of the of the lord and our righteousness and vindication comes from you lord father we praise you ahead of time we activate our gift of faith which is a weapon because the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down the destruction of strongholds we activate that faith together if two or more are gathered there you are in the midst father God and we send it forth now father God to bring forth your will in this nation to bring forth rectification father God and vindication in the courts father God and vindication with the Family Father. Lord we thank you. You have heard our please and petitions Father God. We praise you. We come in with praise and Thanksgiving to your courts Lord. We bless your holy name Father God. In the name of your son Jesus Christ Yeshua. Amen. And amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. I felt that. Praise God. Yes. I felt that. Yes. Amazing. Fire it up. I so appreciate the two of you coming on. I know you're very busy. Oh well we appreciate you and and everybody. Thank you guys so so thank you guys we love you and the dogs were in here I showed miss Lara they're coming in and out with their bandanas on that are the American flags so we got the dogs coming in no raccoons Eric I'm sorry pets you have pets you've got airplanes you've got beautiful studios you know we've got it on really a lot of diversity on internet there's a lot a lot of diversity thank you so much to the two of you we love you we'll be praying for you thank you guys appreciate it see you later thank you thank you bye. And that concludes our time. What a way to start things off with Eric and Lara Trump. They were amazing. We even got a tour of Trump Force One. That's something you don't see every day. So that's something that was amazing.

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