2020 Shuv Show "Reflections on Revelation 7" Christene Jackman

7 months ago

2020 Shuv Show
"Reflections on Revelation 7: Don't ignore the Details"
Christene Jackman ©12.20.2020

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I'm your host, Christene Jackman. Shuv is a Hebrew word that means to turn, to return, back to the Ways of the Creator. Our Creator, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—Avraham, Yitzchak v'Yaakov—is a Covenant making God. Scripture makes it plain that He never goes back on His Word. He never breaks blood covenant. And He expects the same of us. But, we all like sheep have gone astray, forgetting His covenant and bent on following our own ways. This never ends well.

Before I go on, just a note: when I encounter the YHVH Name of God in Scripture, I will use the circumlocution of HaShem, which in Hebrew means "The Name." I find it clunky to say YHVH. And since we truly do not know how to pronounce this special name—regardless of what internet pseudo scholars insist—I'd rather not mispronounce it because that is very disrespectful. I'd rather say HaShem instead when reading Scripture. Also, because it makes it easier to distinguish the Hebrew words in the text of YHVH from ADONAI, another Name of God that is often used in2020 Shuv Show "Reflections on Revelation 7: Don't ignore the Details" Christene Jackman conjunction with YHVH.

During a recent Darash and Nosh session, live from the living room, covid-19 style, my two roomies and I were digging deep into the Scriptures for hours this past Shabbat. Love it. My favorite thing to do. We're Bible Nerds learning about our amazing God. He loves it when His children want to learn about Him. Heaven bends down to listen as we search and struggle for illumination, wrestling with how to integrate this into our everyday lives. I know His eyes are on those who truly seek Him . . .
This past Shabbat, at the tail end of our study, I asked a brief question about Revelation 7. As the three of us bounced thoughts and queries around, suddenly, the question was answered. And not from our brilliant brains, HaShem was opening up our minds to understand Rev 7:3-8. Let's go there. Revelation is dealing with The Day of The Lord. At this point in the prophesy, four angels are about to harm the earth, the sea and the trees, but God says starting with verse 3 . . . "

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