Is it cheaper to send one terabyte over the internet or in the mail?

6 months ago

Unless you got that good internet, the kind that's expensive, it's probably not a wise idea because trying to move that amount of stuff over the internet is up there with a snake trying to digest an elephant. The amount of money you will spend in utilities to make that happen would cost you more to complete that task vs taking a copy and sending it in the mail or with UPS ground. If you attempted to do this with a residential internet connection, your web connection would slow to dial up speed or your internet service provider would just cut your connection.

Also companies are moving away from the cloud for a myriad of reasons like cost and realizing that blind faith and ignorance in trusting someone you will never meet to manage what you hold sacred is also a bad idea.

Managing my own anti cloud in my basement is pretty easy and it's not that much different than what you see in a corporate office setting. On the consumer side of things it would be more secure and cost effective to get some external backup disks and keep what you hold sacred there vs online. It can be found online.

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