2020 Shuv Show: "Syrup on a Frisbee- You can't make a Lie the Truth, Christene Jackman

6 months ago

2020 Shuv Show
"Syrup on a Frisbee"
You can't make a Lie the Truth
Christene Jackman (c)11.25.2020

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I'm your host, Christene Jackman.
It's been a while since I've put out a new Shuv Show or a new song and some have been asking where I've been. One thing is I've been busy taking a Biblical Hebrew course from Torah Resource. Something I highly recommend. Mr. Tim Hegg is a great teacher and I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Though at times, my little grey cells held a sit-down protest, tossing brain-fade grenades into my cranium. "Hoo is he and he is she." Yikes. Anyway, I took the final exam now. I think I did fairly well. We'll see.

Recently, I had to put helping my elderly mother on hold as I have contracted Covid-19. Thank God, my symptoms are rather mild compared to others. Toda Raba Adonai! As I am just sitting here quarantined and in recovery mode, my Hebrew class behind me, I find I now have the time to write again on things that have been on my mind.

I'm a ponderer. You know, the kind of kid who tortured their parents with demands of: "but why?" and "but how?" It's just the way I was made. I look for solutions, for understanding, which often sends my brain into strange fields with plaid skies and purple clouds. I wonder things like:
• Why is a man called a hermit? Shouldn't he be called a him-mit?
• And, since we do not regenerate our teeth like sharks, wouldn't it have been better for dental work if we had been designed with a flip top head?
• And, how about having an extra set of arms that would grow for use during the child bearing years. I'm just sayin'.
• And…. I also wonder how long will this world continue to tax the Lord's patience? How long before He gets to the point where He says to us, as He did in Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 15:6,

"You have forsaken Me," says the LORD, "You have gone backward. Therefore I will stretch out My hand against you and destroy you; I am weary of relenting!
[Jeremiah 15:6 NKJV]

Woe to us when we step on the Almighty's last nerve. Mankind's weeping waterworks will be as invisible to Him as tears in rain. Do you not sense the upraised Hand of the Lord? God, as Creator, holds all responsible to walk in His ways. His ways, not ours. Not all roads lead to salvation. That's an invention, a propaganda piece by the Adversary of our souls. Not all dogma is Biblical. Not all traditions are holy. And, if you study Scripture with the wrong premise glasses, your interpretation will be about as useful as auto-generated English subtitles on YouTube videos.

How do you think we ended up with "churches" today calling evil good and good evil? Because they are rife with man-made dogma and traditions that set aside the actual, original Word of God. Long, long ago, a deceptive idea was introduced and given a safe haven within the halls of those who should have known better. If you repeat a lie long enough and loud enough, many will start to believe the falsehood—as if mere passage of time determined truth. Nursed from the misapprehending bottle of, "we're not under the law", they began selectively tossing out express covenant commands of the One they claimed to serve. Over the dusty years, the brainwashing became a deeply entrenched stronghold—one HaSatan loves to circulate . . . "

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