From Crete To Malta - Part 3 by Walter Veith

7 months ago

What is the history of Jesuit drama? What is the connection between Jesuit theater and today’s mass media? Revelation 13:3 says, “All the world wondered after the beast”. The word “wonder” implies a captivation of the mind. One of the most powerful weapons of deception that Satan has in his arsenal is entertainment media.

Jesuit drama was created for educational and propagandist purposes. What was the nature of Jesuit plays? What role did drama have in the curriculum of Jesuit schools? What are the modern-day manifestations of Jesuit theater? How is it shaping modern thinking and setting the stage for the last great conflict between Christ and Satan?

The world seems hypnotized by on-screen entertainment. How much media does the church own and control? According to papal writings, it is the church’s birthright to own and control all media. How do they do it without anyone being aware of it? Who are the people who write the scripts for popular programming? And how are their messages affecting society’s thinking? What role has Jesuit drama played in setting the stage for last day events?

We are heading for a crisis and the world is being agitated into a state of confusion through fear mongering. Where is it leading? Fear is the mechanism of herding people into a certain camp. The enemy is manipulating the world and creating mindsets to accept the imprint of his character. We are called to expose the enemy and the wickedness of the man of sin. May the Lord help us to spread a message that will reach the world.

With Thanks to ClashOfMinds for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via The Loud Cry on YouTube.

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