2020 SHUV SHOW “Conjuring God: There’s Meditation and then there’s meditation” Christene Jackman

7 months ago

“Conjuring God: There’s Meditation and then there’s meditation”
Christene Jackman ©7.29.2020

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman. Tonight, we’ll discuss a topic I’m sure most have been exposed to in one way or another: meditation. The very first thing to point out is that there is God, the Creator and His holy angels and there also exists the Adversary and his band of fallen angels. YHVH, the God of the Bible, loves His Creation. The Adversary (Hasatan in Hebrew) hates the Creator, wants to replace Him. Anything God loves, the evil one hates and seeks to destroy . . . So let’s discuss meditation.
The other day I saw a sign advertising “Holy Yoga.” Really? I see believers embracing things like yoga and the meditation techniques that accompany it, not seeing the tentacles of pagan religion that embrace it. Again, I hear people say, “But that’s not what it means to me!” Maybe so, but know this—it still means the same to the demonic forces that established it in the first place. You are opening a door that gives the enemy a foothold in your life, taking you away from God’s pure sweet streams of Life . . . "

And there are those practices out there by so-called believers that are dangerous.

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