Psalm 1 in full Tune: St Petersburg

7 months ago

Psalm 1a verses 1 to 6.
Sing Psalms version
Tune: St Petersburg
Crow Road Free Church
image: two houses (Matthew 7: 21-29 & Luke 6: 43-49)

This psalm opens the book of psalms. It is often paired with Psalm 2. Psalm 2 ends with the word with which psalm 1 began.

PSALM 1 (b) 8 8 8 8 8 8

1 How blessed the one who does not walk
Where wicked men would guide his feet,
Who does not stand in sinners’ paths
Or sit upon the scorners’ seat.
2 The law of God is his delight,
His meditation day and night.

3 He prospers like a tree, which has
Been planted by a flowing stream,
And in its season yields its fruit;
Its leaves are always fresh and green.
In every act and every word
He knows the blessing of the LORD.

4 Not so the wicked: they are like
The chaff the wind will blow away.
5 They will not in the judgment stand,
Nor sinners with the righteous stay.
6 God knows the way the righteous go;
The wicked’s way he’ll overthrow.

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