2020 SHUV SHOW: “A Change of Atmosphere: Leaving Egypt”, Christene Jackman

7 months ago

“A Change of Atmosphere: Leaving Egypt”
Christene Jackman ©4.1.2020

EXCERPT: "Passover Week—Pesach—is near. When is Passover? It commences on the evening of Nisan 14 with the Passover Seder Meal and ends the evening of Nisan 21. You can go to Hebcal.com to see the current Gregorian calendar date.

According to Scripture, the Passover Seder Meal includes the Passover Lamb, bitter herbs and unleavened bread. Today, the lamb is represented by a lamb bone because there is no standing Temple in Jerusalem. When the Temple is rebuilt, the Passover lamb sacrifices will begin again. They will have the same function as before: a memorial of Coming out of Egypt and a prophetic statement—now memorial—of the work of Messiah Yeshua, the Ultimate Passover Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.

During Passover Week, there is much to remember and to celebrate. On the evening of Nisan 14, after the flurry of preparation, we gather around the beautifully appointed Passover table. Memorial items on the Seder Plate help tell the story. Unleavened bread, striped and pierced, Red Wine and grape juice complete the picture, standing as symbols of sacrificial body and covenant blood.
On Passover night we will speak The Telling, the Haggadah. We will recite the Wonders of the God of Israel, the God of the Universe and His love for all who have put the blood on the doorposts of their hearts, forsaking the “gods of Egypt” and returning to The Father through the blood of Messiah Yeshua.

This night we celebrate freedom from the bondage of Egypt. We marvel at the chesed, the lovingkindness extended to us by Messiah Yeshua’s atoning death that releases us from the bondage of sin. And lastly, during Passover week, we rejoice in His resurrection a fulfillment of the Feast of First Fruits, which also looks forward to our promised future resurrection.

The Passover Seder is a serious covenant meal, a renewing of the vows, not to be taken lightly. The Passover Seder is not a historical amusement ride to be done once and checked off your list. Of the 7 Feasts/Appointed Times of the Lord, only Passover has a second chance option. According to Scripture, if you were defiled by a dead body, you could celebrate Passover a month later. This tells you how highly the Lord regards this Moed, this Appointed Time . . . "

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