What you need to know about the ban on geoengineering in Tennessee.

7 months ago

Geoengineering is a complicated issue. Some want to relegate the discussion to a conspiracy theory. Many want to debate the differences between chemtrails and contrails.

But the fact is that weather modification has been around since the 1960's (or longer). During that same decade, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Maryland put laws on the books restricting the practice of weather modification by the spraying of aerosols in the atmosphere, and this ban was enforced by local sheriffs and state law enforcement officials.

The fact is, this is not a new conversation. In recent years, Tennessee has now become the first state to take this step and ban geoengineering in our skies. However, the law lacks any real enforcement mechanism and responses from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) show a lack of enthusiasm, initiative, or any real interest in enforcing this new law. Some of this is due to the fact that much of what we are trying to address is novel and not well understood by local officials.

Where do we go from here? Watch this interview with Danielle Goodrich and get ready to engage with us in 2025 as we push for enforcement of this legislation. You can also continue to contact the Governor's office. TDEC falls under the direction of the Governor's administration. If they really wanted to act, they could.

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