Picking, Prepping, And Preserving Peppers: DIY Hydroponics Update, inspirational Thought

7 months ago

Enjoying fresh produce is awesome but it's so exciting to harvest enough produce to preserve some as well. It's so convenient to be able to pull peppers already chopped up from the freezer. Pepper Steak - https://youtu.be/DebLReXhR7s Meat Loaf - https://youtu.be/LBgMfICI_sA Progress Report on DIY Hydroponics - https://youtu.be/8SyX73Ci4Kk DIY Hydroponics and Container Gardening - https://youtu.be/NM7hOlsctNI

Link to the book we wrote about our family's journey with Buddy - https://amzn.to/47uUGus

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Would I treat people differently if I knew what their stories are?
When people are hurting you may not be able to fix it.
But you can let them know you care
Even if it is just to cry with them.

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