Ear Worms 001 - Early Innovations in Electronic Music: Telegraph, Singing Src, and Telharmonium

7 months ago

Ear Worms is a live stream discussion dedicated to appreciating the beauty of sound. More specifically, we focus on electronic and electro-acoustic music and sound experiences. In this inaugural episode of the stream, we are looking at some of the early innovations that made electronic and electro-acoustic music possible. We will look at the telegraph, the musical telegraph, the telharmonium, and the singing arc. We will also look at the inventors of these devices and some of their other creations. Join Jay Goodwin and Lawrence W. Moore on this adventure into the origins of electronic and electro-acoustic music.

@atom_gray Credits

Jay Goodwin appears regularly on B Roll Stage: https://youtube.com/@UCCsdTyJ-eH1hOj15x5LtEyA @MrBrownAlliance
Jay Goodwin is an occasional contributor to Mr. Brown Alliance: https://youtube.com/@UCiVsUD7MRZb3KAte5Flk2Kg
The Problem Being's Audred Audio/Visual Channel: https://youtube.com/@UCeXNrzKEbLS4hYiVZOTf62Q
Psyche Electro Acoustic Opera Company: https://youtube.com/@UC4OMtVX9uQzowxCLQWqcaQg

Reference Links

- Elisha Gray - The Musical Telegraph AMIS 2021: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxxsTdjT7PA&t=20s
- Elisha Gray Inventor of the Telephone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPZDCIRsLS8
- The Musical Telegraph or Electro-Harmonic Telegraph at 120 Years of Electronic Music: https://120years.net/the-musical-telegraphelisha-greyusa1876/
- The Telharmonium or Dynamophone from 120 Years of Electronic Music: https://120years.net/the-telharmonium-thaddeus-cahill-usa-1897/
- The Telharmonium episodes: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=marc+doty+foundations+of+electronic+music from Marc Doty's Foundation of Synthesis series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHGZsq10nFV8oW1j2wPGFSjRhDrCGTmtw&si=CMBHAyF3D_-d8FXy
- William Du Bois Duddell The Singing Arc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDQ-S5kPbRI
- Speaking arc and Singing Arc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCEU3ShVE2E
- The Singing Arc William Duddell UK 1899 from 120 years of Electronic Music: https://120years.net/the-singing-arcwilliam-duddeluk1899/


The Wayfarer Project Merch Store: https://www.bonfire.com/store/the-wayfarer-project/
The Wayfarer Project Website: https://thewayfarerproject.com
The Wayfarer Project (Music channel): https://youtube.com/@thewayfarerproject
The Wayfarer Project Learning: https://youtube.com/@thewayfarerprojectlearning
The Wayfarer Project Adventures: https://youtube.com/thewayfarerprojectadventures

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