REAL type informatiOM after all [smALL correctiONs]

7 months ago

[know] hybrid lighworker patriots still are spy other for buy sell information also try buy sell gold silver

[note] HIGHER DIMENSIONS GALACTICS nor agartha network hollow earth are not really on lower dimension business with space programs only monitoring or temporary blend into situation for not mix into situation, space program victims have slightly off easily mix all things into one when they was experience illusions inside illusions with layers lies, for more correct info you need know how into hybrid cloning space programs language words terms been mixed LOWER dimension beings aka ALIENS with HIGHER dimensions GALACTICS also into word term ET is easily mixed both even lower dimention higher dimensions totally not same SO WHEN SHE TALKS ABOUT ALIENS SHE MEANS GALACTICS other type real help on situation not exist, hybrid lightworkers patriots remote viewers mix all things to one even all things are not same only sounds looks same on physically mentally limited life until galactics full disclosure is overdrive all aliens before end year 2024.

"SOMETHING eclipses our sun [15july2024]"

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