Let There be a Sky

8 months ago

In the beginning, on the second day,
God looked upon the waters, and He made a way.
With a word so powerful, He called forth the sky,
A vault to separate the waters, oh so high.
Let there be a sky, a vast expanse so wide,
Waters above and waters below, divided by His might.
Evening turned to morning, on the second day,
By His word and power, the sky was made that way.

He named the vault the sky, so blue and grand,
A testament to His creation, perfectly planned.
From the waters below to the heavens above,
God’s mighty hand crafted it all with love.

Let there be a sky, a vast expanse so wide,
Waters above and waters below, divided by His might.
Evening turned to morning, on the second day,
By His word and power, the sky was made that way.

Look up at the sky, and see His glory shine,
Each cloud and each star, a symbol of the divine.
From the dawn of time, His creation stands,
A reminder of His power, His wondrous hands.

Let there be a sky, a vast expanse so wide,
Waters above and waters below, divided by His might.
Evening turned to morning, on the second day,
By His word and power, the sky was made that way.

On the second day, He made the sky,
A gift from our Creator, who reigns on high.
From the beginning of time to the end of days,
We sing His praise, in awe of His ways.

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