This Is Why Most Men Suck At Intimacy And You Might Too

2 months ago

For most of us when we think intimacy, sexual or romantic relationships come to mind.

But intimacy, INTO-ME-YOU-SEE, is about taking the mask off and creating deep connection.

According to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary intimacy is defined as “close familiarity or fellowship; nearness in friendship”


Most men suck at intimacy with other men AND their romantic partner because of a number of reasons…

- Poor modeling growing up
- Trust issues
- Fear
- Pride and ego
- Self worth
- Poor understanding of core emotions

But I believe the #1 reason most men suck at intimacy with others is because they suck at submitting to a higher power.

God of course is the highest — but any form of authority has the potential to create a template of intimacy.

Most men struggle with authority, so it makes sense they struggle with God.

To follow is a very intimate act, it says “I trust your way” no ego.

It takes a low seat.

Humility creates intimacy.

For an intimate relationship to develop, in the spiritual or the natural world you have to put your pride to the side.

For a man to develop deeper intimacy with his woman he needs to practice it with men first.

… and for a man to have real intimate friendships with other men he needs to submit to the authority of a higher power.

God first and then a tribe.

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