7 months ago

~Dr. ROBERT DUNCAN, the creator of the technology that Satan's beast Statist system now uses as a weapon, rather than use it for good, was found DEAD, in his home!

And U "Normies" will ARROGANTLY, & PRIDEFULLY continue voting in this system, like it matters....your minds, are beguiled, Father has abandoned U, because of your support and service to Satan, and his Statist system, thru your participation(Voting)in this sick world...!
~ While you serve Satan, voting more parasitic predator class worms into power, good natured, honorable people, fighting this beast system, are being eliminated by the very system you serve by "Voting"...!
~ Dr. ROBERT DUNCAN, once he realized how they were using his created Nano Technology as a weapon, for evil purposes, he fought against it, now, he has been eliminated, the facts of how he died, will never be known, but, probably was taken out by those he was fighting the good fight against!
YOU voters, will reap what YOU sow!
Once Satan has no more use of you...he will eat his own, but do not fear, stay hidden away in your "Homesteads" living in your delusion that, if you useful idiots can just vote into power
a "Good" person, everything will change....YOU FOOL'S...!
~ Keep voting, keep playing your roll as voting puppets like it is going to make a "positive" difference!
~ Have no fear, Your safely protected by your Master, Satan ruler of this world, at least until he has no more use for you!
When you VOTE in this Statist system, make NO MISTAKE,

~ What does it profit a man, who saves his own life, but to lose his SOUL...!

Dennis C Durbin
PO Box 174
Wellton, Az 85356


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