Laser and Microwave Weapons - Directed-Energy Weapon Programs, Potential, and Issues

7 months ago

Laser and Microwave Weapons - Directed-Energy Weapon Programs, Potential, and Issues
Please Note: I haven't been posting very many videos since the Trump Shooter Event. I have been doing an extremely deep dive. I have intentionally been waiting for more information to come out to ensure that I can report much more accurately to provide a high level analysis and draw some essential conclusions.
This event was extremely strange on many levels. And there is much debate on WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.
An extremely significant amount of the Alt Community are calling this a False Flag Staged Event. If that is True, the Implications could have a major effect on World History.
I have indeed come to my own conclusions. But I want you to come to Your Own Conclusions as well. For that reason, I am taking a far different approach to how I am covering it.
The Primary Focus will not be on the Trump Shooting itself, but on a Modern History of False Flags, Psychological Warfare and the Push towards Disarming American Citizens. Understanding that history and the methods they have used against us is a critical part of effectively determining if the Trump Shooting was in fact real, or a Staged False Flag Event.
Stay tuned. It will be dropping soon.
439,619 views February 19, 2024
While technology has continued to evolve, most weapon systems modern militaries use operate on old principles.
A artillery piece is a world removed from a Napoleonic cannon, but the idea of detonating a charge behind a projectile in a tube in order to propel it in the direction of something you don't like - that remains the same.
For decades, Governments have also been investing in trying to develop systems that operate in very different ways - including directed energy weapons like lasers and High Powered Microwave weapons (HPM).
And for decades - very little emerged in terms of deployable, destructive systems.
But on a battlefield increasingly dominated by cheap and precise threats such as loitering munitions, FPV drones or naval kamikaze drones, there is more pressure than ever for forces to leverage recent technological developments to turn concepts into functional, deployable tools for their armed forces.
In this episode, we look at the concepts behind Directed Energy Weapons, ask what advantages and disadvantages they might have compared to more conventional equivalents, and what how militaries might use them going forward.
00:00:00 — Intro
00:01:10 — What Am I Talking About?
00:12:27 — The Directed Energy Promise
00:17:42 — Ground Applications
00:25:48 — Naval Applications
00:40:51 — Aerospace Applications
00:47:00 — Countermeasures and limitations
01:02:10 — Development challenges and risks
01:06:43 — Channel Update
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