Jimmy Dore and Joe Rogan about Fauci and cancel culture

2 months ago

Jimmy Dore: "We've seen Fauci lied to Rand Paul twice about funding the gain of function research...so he lied to congress twice at least about that and then everything else he just lied about. But there will be consequence, that's the thing that's unsatisfying...The same thing happened to him with AIDS. So if people forget there's that movie called the Dallas Buyers Club...bad guy in that movie doctor Fauci...Matthew McConaughey knows that, why doesn't he say something... "
Joe Rogan: "If you go Woody Harrelson, people they automatically write hit pieces on you...they know what they're doing, they're little lap dogs. But also nobody believes those hit pieces...of course they attacked him, but all that does really is show you where the demons are. Like who's attacking him for that, who are the people who have sold their soul. Who are the people that are willing to go after this guy for saying something we all know to be true. You're gonna go after him for that? Remember when they went after Eric Clapton? They went after him so hard and Eric Clapton who was vaccinated. He was vaccinated and had horrible reaction to the vaccine...everything. They went after him: anti-vaxxer, racist, responsible for the death of millions with his poor choice of words describing his personal illness."

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