[서구파시즘] “남자는 여자를 귀찮게 해야 한다.”(Catherine Deneuve)

7 months ago

후원 계좌: KEB 하나은행 298-810284-72907 (신항식)
이메일 : ssbrand@hanmail.net
# Telegram 영상보관소. ‘자주인라디오’

- ‘L’image de la femme : la singularité française‘, La liberté de l'esprit, Apr. 26 1997
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- Fouque A.(1995), Il y a 2 sexes: essais de féminologie 1989–1995, France: Galimard
- Annette Lévy-Willard, ‘Aux Fausses soeurs americaines’, Liberation, Mar. 8 1993,
- Watkins S.(2018), ‘Which Feminisms?’, New Left Review 109
- Mazur A. G & McBride D. E., ‘State feminism’, Goertz G, Mazur A. G.(2008 eds.), Politics, Gender, and Concepts: Theory and Methodology, UK: Cambridge University Press
- McBride, D. E. et al.(2010). The Politics of State Feminism: Innovation in Comparative Research. USA: Temple University Press.

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