The NWO Religion Replacing Constitutional Law Will Be Something Like This Video

6 months ago

The New York Courthouse Luciferians are already giving warnings to the American that if they cannot defend their rights and they would rather depend on the past, treacherous Freemasons/Luciferians, then non-constitutional laws from religious texts will come back into practice... To see a clip on this A.i. fake-god statue goto: and skip to 17:17.
All the secret societies have believers called "initiates". The A.i. supercomputer is the "Church of Initiates" Initiates are also called the Church of "ISIS" The coming NWO religion will be Freemasonic and the Church of ISIS... Already hidden within the Quan and the Christian Bible are the principles which the NWO will be bringing back to your future society if you let them rule over you. Freemasons warned you at the Courthouse in Manhattan that the new fake-god will rule the laws. @17:17 the brainchip-puppet-preacher Amanda Grace has informed you online, here:

Because it is the NWO and they will do whatever they want to do. Luciferians will murder goyim on the streets and leave them there to rot.

You will have to take control back from the monsters taking over your country, but you have to wake up the sheeple to this first.

Freemason/communists are planning a "Dark Winter" where there is no power and no heat and no food coming from infrastructure. CCP Luciferians are destroying the abundant offshore fisheries around the world on purpose and the Freemason running the USA and Russia are in step and don't interfere. That is why Somolia pirates are attacking ships, because their fisheries and means to feed their population have dwindled by CCP activity. The Mystery School cUlt rules Freemasons and CCP and Russia. A.i. is their new command-system modelling program... it has become their new fake-god.

On top of the New York Courthouse stood the statue of the symbol of that A.i. fake-god.... "Lucifer" The Statue of Liberty is actually Lucifer the Freemasons fake-god in secret.

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