The Congressional Act of 1871 & How this Changed Everything for Americans.

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So on the first pod for the American State National Network we are discussing the Congressional Act of 1871 and everything that happened and how it changed everything for Americans.

Will also be discussing the American Civil Peace Flag and what that means and how we, as Americans should use & display it.

The 3 books on Amazon for $5 so that you can begin to understand what's really going on.
1. The Common Law Handbook.
2. The UCC Connection: How to Free Yourself from Legal Tyranny.
3. Your Strawman & Whatever You Want to Know.

So if you found this helpful or valuable and increased your understanding, knowledge and elevated your consciousness, give the channel a like, and subscribe. Share with anyone who you would think would benefit from this knowledge and would have an open mind. Also please donate to the channel as I am a Veteran who was recently homeless due to some of what I speak about in this pod and this would help me live and continue pod improvements to increase the channel quality. Anything helps and thank you for your support in the spread of the message of Freedom and Liberty for ALL Americans.


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