Genesis 25:12-34 Psalm 38:1-8 Proverbs 4:14-19 John 8:31-59 Bible Reading Audio Scripture Verse

7 months ago

Genesis 25:12-34: The passage lists the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's son with Hagar, and highlights Ishmael's death and the settlements of his descendants. It then describes the birth of Esau and Jacob, the twin sons of Isaac and Rebekah. Esau sells his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew, demonstrating his disregard for his inheritance.

Psalm 38:1-8: The psalmist laments their physical and emotional distress, attributing it to their sins and God's discipline. They describe their pain and suffering, feeling overwhelmed by guilt and shame. Despite their afflictions, the psalmist acknowledges their dependence on God's mercy and forgiveness.

Proverbs 4:14-19: The passage warns against following the path of the wicked and encourages readers to avoid it. It emphasizes the importance of staying away from evil and pursuing righteousness and wisdom, which lead to life and light. The way of the wicked is described as darkness, causing stumbling and destruction.

John 8:31-59: Jesus speaks to the Jews who believed in Him, telling them that if they abide in His word, they are truly His disciples and will know the truth that sets them free. He confronts their claims of being descendants of Abraham, asserting that their actions reveal their true father, the devil. Jesus declares His preexistence and claims to be the Messiah, causing the Jews to pick up stones to stone Him.

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