2018 Shuv Show: “Making it Unthinkable”, Christene Jackman

7 months ago

Shuv Show
“Making it Unthinkable”
Christene Jackman ©2.21.2018
"The Choice" project, Chris Jackman, find it here: https://www.christenejackman.com/mp3-albums-christene-jackman

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
I’d like to start tonight by telling you a true story about an abused dog named Oogy. Nathan's Story:
“When our dog Oogy was about ten weeks old and weighed 20 pounds he was tied to a stake and used as bait for a Pit Bull. The left side of his face including most of his ear was torn off. He was bitten so hard a piece of his lower jaw was crushed. Afterward, he was thrown into a cage and left to bleed to death.”

That story was found on the website: http://www.animals-abused.org/oogy-story.htm Breaks your heart, doesn’t it. That people would be so cruel to that 10 week old puppy.

Now….. imagine you see a 10 week old---baby in the womb, used as bait for the pit bull of the abortion industry, body bitten and torn apart.

Tonight I’d like to bring up a very critical topic: the issue of abortion. Yep. I’m gonna go there. What are my qualifications to discuss this dispute? I have personal experience with it. When I was young, I chose abortion as a way out of an unplanned pregnancy. For over 15 years, I hid the emotional and spiritual pain from my “choice,” falling into depression and self-hatred. How could I do what I did?

Finally, the Lord, in His immense grace and mercy, led me to an abortion recovery group where I found forgiveness and healing. Silent no more, I became determined to expose the fact that not only does the baby die, the woman and man and others involved are scarred. Part of the problem is that the grief process is stifled, even denied. But--just because you bury your pain, doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect you . . . "

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