Close Encounter From Another World Flying Saucer Stopped in Missouri Aliens Arrive in Peace

7 months ago

Recommended Device: Night Owl iGEN 20/20

From another world: The Flying Saucer stopped on a Missouri highway arrives in peace

Well, you never know what you'll be traveling through Crawford County, but this one was a little out of this world. These friendly humanoids, who have come in peace, are heading west to Roswell, New Mexico, for a festival.

It was not an unidentified flying object, but rather an unidentified moving object that caught the attention of a sheriff's deputy in Missouri. “You never know what's going to happen in Crawford County, but this was a little out of this world,” the officer said.

A vehicle that looked a lot like a spaceship was traveling along Interstate 44, apparently headed for the Roswell, New Mexico, UFO Festival, which takes place the first week of July. The officer took photos with the “friendly humanoids” and had a conversation about making sure the vehicle's license plate was up to date.

The drivers of the vehicle apparently arrived peacefully.

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