Jesuit Pope Going South Enbergy Vlog

7 months ago

Jesuit Pope Going South Energy Vlog title is from the date July 17, 22024 thus we have 32 which adds to # 5 the Hierophant a Spiritual Messenger or adark pope thus the Jesuit Pope hiding pedorapist priest. The going south is the Elemental Oracle deck gave us the South card going on an adventure We also had the Ocean card which asks you to be brave.

The schumann Resonance today Disclosure News showed us five amplitude s. the first was a power of 39 at 8:30 AM UTC thus the Justice fair and balanced is the changed perspective of the Hanged man. The second amplitude power is 32 at 9:15 AM UTC thus the tower bringing destruction to the Pope dance together to deceive. The third amplitude power of 34 at 10:30 Am UTC Thus we have the Death coming swiftly looks like the fiscal system is falling but it is tempered by the white hats. The last amplitude power is 35 at 12:30 PM UTC thus we have the Devil which must be faced with strength and bravery. The quality power is 7 The Chariot may you move swiftly and surely toward your goals. The Frequency average is 7.81 hertz thus # 16 The Tower Card a sudden collapse of poorly built structures. Therefore we can say: The Herophant consults the Hanged man on his change of perspective about the direction taken with the chariot after the towers fall.

The Space weather site showed us a class M CME coming almost straight at using the next couple of days. The KP index of geomagnetic activity is in the green with the hi9gest level being a level of two the High priestess comes to mind with her secret and sacred info and intuition.

The video clip was from the Beyond the news with janine and Jean-Claude The timeline spread.
Schumann Resonance today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather site:
Beyond the News video July 17th:

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