Timeline Of What Was Known (And When) On Day Trump Got Shot Just Keeps Getting More Troubling

5 months ago

Posted • July 17, 2024: Each day brings it more evidence that Donald Trump wasn't exactly in the best of security hands during his rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. Now it's looking like DHS Director Mayorkas is in no hurry for the head of the Secret Service, who Biden thinks is a "him" but is actually a "her," to testify before Congress: Mayorkas Is Blocking Secret Service Director From Testifying. Nothing to see here. Totally normal behavior from a regime that definitely didn’t do anything wrong. -- “Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill have also launched separate investigations and have called on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to testify on Monday, July 22. According to House Speaker Mike Johnson, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is attempting to block Cheatle from testifying. Johnson called on Cheatle to resign during an interview with Fox News Wednesday morning.” The details just keep getting more disturbing.

Here's the latest: CNN: 3 hours before shooting, security caught Crooks with a rangefinder. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GSswFutXsAEtvoc?format=png&name=small -- The police knew this person was in the area after raising their suspicions and yet Trump was still allowed to take the stage? “By 3 p.m. on Saturday, roughly three hours before the shooting, Crooks was at the security screening area for the rally. He first aroused suspicion when he passed through the magnetometers carrying a rangefinder, which looks similar to a small pair of binoculars and is used by hunters and target shooters to measure distances when setting up a long-range shot, according to a senior law enforcement official briefed on the investigation. The rangefinder would not have prevented Crooks from getting through the security screening point, but it did attract the attention of security personnel who kept an eye on him until he left the secure area. Investigators are unsure of where Crooks went after he left the screening area but the working theory is that he went to his car to retrieve the rifle.”

It's even more disturbing when you put it all together: They caught him with a range finder 3 hours before the shooting and did nothing. They spotted him 30 minutes before the shooting and did nothing. They took a literal picture of him and did nothing. Members of the crowd were pointing at him and did nothing. They left the most obvious assassination point in the world completely unsecured. At what point does "incompetence" stop being the explanation for why Trump was nearly killed. -- Either incompetence played a big role or there was something else at play on Saturday, and neither option is good. Factor in one more thing: The shooter's parents had reportedly already called the police by that time: WTH is this about? Security in Butler, Pennsylvania on the day of Trump's rally sounds like it was something right out of the movie "Airplane": GIF version of security that day in Butler, PA: https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/GSshCS9XkAAVgzG.mp4 -- When life imitates "Airplane" at a presidential rally, we have a real problem and we need real answers, no matter how much Mayorkas attempts to dodge the issue.

CNN's John Miller reveals three new details on the gunman who tried to assassinate Donald Trump: - Earlier in the day, he went through Secret Service security WITH his rangefinder and scoped out the snipers, who spotted him and said they need to keep an eye on him. - He went into work at a nursing home and asked off for Saturday, but told coworkers he'd see them on Sunday. - Detonators for the explosives in his car were found on him on the roof with three, fully loaded magazines of nearly 100 rounds and a bulletproof vest.

• More at: Townhall - Mayorkas Is Blocking Secret Service Director From Testifying
Rumble: Shooter's Parents Called The Police On The Day Of Trump Rally
CNN: Trump shooter requested Saturday off from work and told colleagues he’d be back at work Sunday, officials say

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