2015 Shuv Show: "Quiet on the Wrong Day", Christene Jackman

6 months ago

Christene Jackman (c)2015
EXCERPT: "This past Sunday morning I walked out onto the deck, the morning sun warm on the planks beneath my bare feet. Absent were the normal work day sounds. No roar of traffic, no loud mechanical buzzings of weed whackers, saws or lawnmowers. Only the peaceful sounds filled the air: birds, soft breezes stirring leaves and the splash landings of water fowl. This first day of the week, the community was at rest.

But there was a problem with the picture from my deck on this conservative Christian town this morning: it's quiet on the wrong day. They had missed their appointment with God by a day. The sad thing is that most don't even know it. They're missing out on a wonderful heritage and blessing from the LORD, given to mankind--from creation.

For most of my life, I had accepted the spurious reasons given for not obeying the commandment by our Creator to set the 7th Day apart as holy. Chosen blindness to the clear instruction or Torah of God had robbed me of this blessing and the opportunity to keep the terms of The Covenant of our God. Somewhere along the line, someone said, "Did God really say?" And the rest is history.

Yes, Virginia, God really did say:

“On the Seventh Day God finished His work which He had made; and He rested on the Seventh Day from all His work which he had made. God blessed the Seventh Day, and made it holy, because He rested in it from all His work which He had created and made.” -Gen 2:2-3 HNV

The Hebrew word used for "holy" here is קָדַשׁ qadash (kä·dash') meaning basically to be "set apart" . . . "

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