Prophet Amanda Grace - Night of Prayer for the Nation and the Trump Family - Alina Habba - Captions

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Alina Habba, a senior council to President Donald Trump, joined Amanda Grace on the Night of Prayer for the Nation and the Trump family to discuss the political and legal battles they are facing. Alina spoke about the challenges they are encountering and the importance of faith and resilience in the face of adversity. Amanda and Alina then prayed together, asking for God's guidance and protection as they continue to fight for justice and truth. The conversation highlighted the role of prayer and the prophetic in supporting political leaders and standing against evil forces.

This time of prayer broadcast occurred just 7 days before the attempted assassination of President Trump in Pennsylvania. The night of prayer was requested personally by Eric and Lara Trump.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Amanda! ‼️God Wins‼️ The entire original 4 hr+ video may be watched here:


Stand with Amanda Grace and special guests as we unite in prayer, interceding for our nation and the leaders. Engage in this simple yet powerful act to seek the well-being and future of our country. Your presence is invaluable as we come together in unity for this significant purpose. Join Amanda Grace as she welcomes Eric and Lara Trump, Alina Habba, Robin Bullock, Donne Clement, Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Eric Metaxas and other special guests! Join us tonight, July 7th, at 5 pm ET. Here are ways to watch:

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-21981893-Corporate And Inspirational Cinematic Background Music (1.00 Minutes Version) by StockAudios/Pond 5
-151471022-Uplifting Inspirational Corporate by Patrick_Schlebes/Pond5
-154756307-Magic Fireflies Loop Version2(Modern And Relaxing Background) by Lesya_NZ
-123859534-Successful Product Presentation 60S - P5 by wolfgangwoehrle
-105166597-Believe in You (Inspirational And Uplifting)- P5 by DivaProductionMusic
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Purchase ID/Date: 7365245 / 9-29-2023
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We are vessels. God is meant to be worshiped, not man. God is meant to be worshiped. We are just his servants and his vessels that go forth in him imperfect vessels that are trying to do a extraordinary job for the Lord. You are watching Night of Prayer for the Nation and the Trump family with your host Amanda Grace. Welcome back. We are live on this Night of Prayer, July 7th 20 twe nty-four for the nation and the Trump family. We are going to be having Miss Alina Habba on in just a moment and I want all of you to just keep in mind that the five fold and the prophetic play s uch an important role in coming together with leaders and in coming alongside nation. The most successful kings biblically were surrounded by the prophetic and wise council and we see biblical precedent for this over and over and over again and one of those wise councils is miss Alina Habba. Alina Habba is an accomplished attorney and advocate known for her resilience and unwavering commitment to justice. Her dedication to her work combined with her faith and determination serves as an inspiration to many. She currently serves as senior Council to President Donald Trump and has been unwavering in her stance to expose truth and corruption within the justice system. She as well as a speaker on the Reawaken America Tour. Miss Alina has been traveling with President Trump and very much wanted to be a part of this Night of Prayer. Please watch my time that we had together this past week with Miss Alina Habba. Miss Alina Habba, thank you so much for joining us for this Night of Prayer Uh we know you're a busy lady. We very much appreciate what you're doing and I want to talk to you for a few minutes. I want to give you the floor for a moment to talk about what's happening and the updates. Well, we'll move towards prayer at the end but I want to give you the floor first. Sure, thanks for having me. Um you know, we're obviously in a different kind of political fight than ever seen before in this country. It's political lawfare we call it and and it it really is that they are using our core to try and shut up and shut down the leading candidate for president and a former president and obviously it has been something that I think is unimaginable for America. Uh you know, I am a constitution believer. I believe that our founding fathers got it right. It's worked for our country for so long and what they're doing right now is truly the demise of the judicial system in my opinion and the political system in our country that was designed to be fair and right and you know, we're fighting hard and and we're doing okay. We're going to keep fighting. We're doing well. It's just takes patience. I know people get concerned when they see some of these radical left judges and some of the decisions that we get but in time, we will keep going up and up and up and and fighting. So, that's kind of what we've been up to. And you know and and we have talked about this before but God is the ultimate righteous judge. And he sits on the highest court. That's right. That's right. And so the word of God says if God before you who or what can be against you and so no matter what they try to bring the will of God ultimately will prevail. That's right. A hundred percent and you know President Trump believes in God. I believe in God obviously you know me personally and we're just you know obviously all the prayers that everybody gives us is always great and we just have to be resilient and strong as Americans and as lawyers and as President Trump is and he sets a really good example of that so we're gearing up obviously we're in the home stretch at this point. Everything we've thrown at us like you said is in God's hands and it has worked against them because evil has its own place and this is pure evil. These are not that love our country or frankly the people that live in our country because of what they're doing and you know what's right will happen in in God's time but we're going to be okay. I really believe that. Amen. We are and you know when when those who are doing this and I'm going to say this as bluntly as I can want to serve their father the devil then the pit that they have dug they are going to fall into themselves. The trap that they set for others they're going to fall into themselves. The hunter become the hunted. Yeah. This is what's going to echo in this time. Right? Yeah I believe that. I believe it right. Mm hmm. 00%. Now let me ask you if President Trump never decided to run again. Do you think they would have come after him like this? No. No. Cuz if you look at it timeline right? I mean I am a lawyer as well and everything I say I feel has to be backed by facts. If you just look at the timeline let's say the last trial the hush money trial for instance. Um That case was looked at. It's at eight years old. That case was looked at by Cy Vance. He passed on it. Um the current DA of New York, DA Alvin Bragg, passed on it a few years ago and then President Trump announced that he was running for president again and right after that, the indictment came on that case. Um it's out of time. They apply laws that they've never applied in certain ways. We've seen that in many of our cases. So, no, I I think that this is truly I don't think. I I agree with President Trump. This is true political lawfare. Mm hmm. They, you know, do what they do with ballots with letting immigrants come in and letting them now have as equal rights to the people that came in the right way but now they need to silence him because his voice is so strong because he has so many people that see through this and they're doing that through First Amendment gag orders in the courts through bringing cases through laws that should never be used that way. Through having politically motivated judges and politically motivated DAs and AGs that are doing things for the headline and the press conference instead of for protecting their constituents and protecting Americans and protecting the rule of law and that's really where our country right now is suffering the most in my opinion. Let me ask you if you can if you can answer this publicly but do you know why they passed on it when they looked at it? Well, those. Because it's a non-existent case. I mean you're saying that somebody that was in the Oval Office protecting our country and serving the executive branch was somehow creating an accounting error in Trump tower where an accountant booked illegal expenses, legal expense. It's it's a non case. It's it's what they're doing. They're targeting Americans that they don't like their politics and they go after them for things and create stories. Um they did this with the CEO of Trump organization. They do it with people that get close to the Trump family and it's a very thing and it's truly Banana Republic stuff. We don't do that. We don't put our political opponents in jeopardy and we don't make up crimes and we don't attack people that are unworthy of attack and hide and protect the ones that are actually committing the crimes and I think there's a lot of all of that happening and if we don't win in November, I do worry that our country will be at a serious risk of losing our judicial system and the merits that it has, frankly, I think people in America right now don't trust the DOJ and don't trust a lot of these and attorney generals. Not at all and I I believe that they're seeing too this is as much a trial of the American people and how they voted. Right. Uh in 2016 and in 2020 and they're putting the American people on trial as well. Now, it's interesting because there is biblical precedent for this and I'll say this very fast but if you look at King Saul and David, King Saul accused David of I we can't even count how many things. Chased him for over eight years all over the launched a smear campaign against him, tried to harm anybody that got near David because David was anointed to do a task by God, right? Then, you have the same with Joseph who came way before David where he was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife of doing something with her. He didn't do because he didn't want to do it with her and she got mad and her ego got hurt basically and she went after him and he was thrown in prison for something he didn't do and all the while this was going on and as uncomfortable as it was but in both these cases, the lord was shifting and moving both Joseph and David into position. Mm hmm. To do exactly what he had called them to do and sometimes the process is so uncomfortable. Sometimes, the lord allows us to go through a process that is just so uncomfortable and grueling but at the same time, it is refining as he's pushing us and compelling us into the position we're meant to be in. That's right, a reset. Mm hmm. A Exactly. A reset and we see this happening and when and when you think about it, even in medical terms, when a bone has to be reset, right? A bone gets broken. It's gotta be reset, it's painful. Yeah. It's painful for the moment. It's gotta be manipulated. It's gotta be reset and then it's gotta be held in place and it has to heal. So, this is what we see happening on a national level. Right, I agree. I agree with that. 100%. I think you hit the nail on the head with that, Amanda. I mean, it is it is what we it is what we're doing. It's what's happening and and like I always say, God has a plan. This is part of the plan. So, We gotta grin and bear it but we're doing it. We're we're fighting hard. Anyway, so so I think you're right a hundred percent. I think the reset is painful but necessary but it's also exposing the truth and I think that America is now seeing straight. I think that that's why they they create fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. I always say that so you gotta keep your faith strong and and keep it together for our country so that we can get it back on track frankly. We've lost ourselves at this moment. Mm hmm. Fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed your God. Behold I will strengthen you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. That's right. Amen. The Lord. I believe that's from the book of Isaiah. So what I want to do Alina if you're up for it is I want us to pray. Sure. Okay and if if you want to even if it's just a minute. If you want to begin and then I'll pray for you and President Trump and everything you all are doing. Sure. Okay. Lord Jesus pray for us all now Americans patriots those that love God those that are really on the righteous path to fix America to protect our children our grandchildren yes and all those fighting for the cause in good faith and with belief in God and in the right path against all evil that has come against us I'll lead it to you Amanda father we just thank you for this time together father you say if two or more are gathered in your name there you are in the midst lord father nothing takes you by surprise. You see far beyond outside of space and time. You are an ever present help in times of trouble Lord. Father you say Lord that you will uphold us Father. You will keep us Lord. You will order our steps for the steps of the righteous are indeed ordered of the Lord. And that Father it says in your word that every tongue that rises against us. You shall condemn. That this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord our righteousness and vindication comes from you says the lord. Father we just bring Alina before you father God and her team lord. Father we just ask lord according to Ephesians chapter six you put your whole and complete armor on her this day. Father that you equip her with every good and perfect gift that comes from above. Father God that you fill her with your wisdom, counsel, might, power, and the reverential fear of the lord. Father that she hears your voice, knows your voice, and the strangers. She will not Follow. Give her eyes to see and ears to hear father God what the Holy Spirit the has to say. Father show her. Lead her and guide her into what she needs father. If there are articles, if there are documents, if there are pieces of the puzzle lord that she's looking for right now. Father, lead her right to it. We ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Lord, we ask in the name of Jesus that you would put a hedge of protection around her and her family that your holy angels would be dispatched of all offices rankings and divisions to encamp about them father God to stay with them that every work and darkness of iniquity father God would be struck down cancelled nullified and voided in the name of Jesus Christ father God that every assignment lord meant to harm meant to slander father God meant to sabotage meant to confuse or divide right now father God against what you want to accomplish we rebuke it in the name of Jesus Christ and we command it dismantle destroyed and disabled right now in Jesus name Father, we just pray for President Trump father God as they go forth lord. Father, we just ask lord that you would continue to minister to them, that they would feel your presence. Lord, that they would actively continue to feel your presence around them father God. Lord, that you would speak to them scripture father God. Scripture that you want them to meditate on. Your word says, you will keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you. Father, help their mind to be stayed on you. Father God and how you want this fault lord. Father allow them not to be tossed about by the enemy father God in Jesus name or to look in a certain direction or to distract right now in the name of Jesus the name of the enemy's game is distraction right now father God and we rebuke those distractions lord in Jesus name father we just ask lord that you would continue father God to go before them that your word goes ahead lord and clears the way father God as you run this race with excellence for you as they grow in as they are refined father God in a fire that refines their faith that gives them resolve that takes them deeper with you lord we thank you for this we thank you for favor as they go forth in these battles as they go forth in these legal fights that legal doors will open that they never thought would open lord father God we ask that you unlock them because you are the righteous judge you sit on the highest throne and we are bringing this case before you father God to decide lord father God choose between them and the wicked and what the wicked have done and how the wicked father God have blasphemed your name. Father God that they have tried to strip your name in the name of your son Jesus out of every avenue of life in this nation. Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask you as the judge choose as we bring it before you this day. Lord, we thank you. We praise you. We bless your holy name. Lord, as we all go forth in this, let your name be glorified above all. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Amen. Amen. Whoo. Praise the lord. Yeah. I felt that. Okay. I've been praying with you. Thanks, Amanda so much for having me. You're the absolute best. Oh, I love you. Thank you for coming on. We know you're busy. We'll continue to keep you in prayer. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. God bless you. We are back. That was my time with attorney Alina Habba. It was so wonderful not only to get to speak with her but to pray with her and do all the things that basically they need right now. They need prayer. So, that's what we're here for. We're all here for one thing and one only and that is to pray and intercede and stand in the gap and have the prophetic and the five fold come alongside the political and because there is biblical president for that like I have said over and over again.

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