⚡️TRUUTH⚡️ | Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 | Testing, testing, 1..2..3..

6 months ago

⚡️TRUUTH⚡️ | Wednesday, July 17th, 2024 | Testing, testing, 1..2..3..

Thanks to some help from an amazing person, who not only sees the facts and truth in what we are doing, but has experienced it themself with attacks, we've got our StreamYard back. I cannot thank the people who help along the way enough, we all wouldn't be here without coming together for the TRUUTH! 🤍💜

- Let's go over the past couple days of LIVE's. The Coggle Map, The IMDB Website, "Raceshifting", and 5G.

We could go on and on about these subjects, as there are thousands of conversations to be had about each of them, but to summarize what is happening right now, here you go.

1. Canada is currently in the midst of a "Soft Coup".
2. One major way they are doing this, is through Indigenous Identity Fraud.
3. The Freedom Movement and Convoy was a setup by the same people orchestrating this coup, to plant individuals with major influence within the civilization movements and infiltrate them from the inside out.
4. Through the Indigenous Identity Fraud, they are putting forth UNDRIP, and Bill C-53, where you have Fake Nations/Council members, signing over the land.
5. They are also using the movements (both North American and Palestinian), to create chaos and fear and may even provoke a major event to enact the Emergency Act.

These are just 5 major aspects to a few years work, and research taken from dedicated individuals around the world who've been researching and sharing the truth of what is going on with these acts, bills, and counter-narrative operations.

It's time for things to get underway, as they have ramped up every side of their narrative's due to the mass awakening ongoing worldwide.

We will now be streaming on FB, X, Rumble, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitch to ensure the information from within this project gets out to where it needs to.

🔗 All Links and Articles will be added to the comments following the LIVE.

📫 Our once a week newsletter summary will begin tomorrow, if I don't already have your email, make sure to send one to TRUUTHJG@protonmail.com , if you would like to receive it.

⚡️Please Like, Comment, Follow, & Share, to help this go everywhere! Much love! 🤍💜

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