2015 Shuv Show: "Blessings, Blunders, and Lip Service", C. Jackman

2 months ago

Shuv Show, with host Christene Jackman,10.9.2015

Topic: Patterns of Signs on Appointed Times, Blessing Blunders, Lip Service.

EXCERPT: "Welcome to the Shuv Show. I’m your host, Christene Jackman.
I’ve now lived long enough to have hindsight into recent history. Patterns stand out: good and bad.
We’ve just past the month of Elul, a time of deep introspection/repentance and have completed the Fall High Holy Days of Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot. Read Vayikra/Levititicus 23 and all Scriptures that deal with these 3 Holy Appointed Times of our God.

These are memorials and they are prophetic. Remember a Biblical mindset is Hebraic, meaning cyclical – what has been will be again, earthy and concrete, answers are not a Greekish either/or situation, but rather can be yes and both. The Biblical thought process understands that blood covenants are not broken by God. Covenants are to be taken VERY seriously. Our Creator is a faithful, covenant keeping God. His are forever. Because He lives Forever.
There are 3 Fall Feasts of the LORD, better rendered from the Hebrew: the 3 Fall Moedim or Appointed Times of the LORD. These are special appointments where He draws near desiring that we are to meet with Him . . . "

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