U.S. Supreme Court overturns Chevron decision. What this means for income taxes

6 months ago

On June 28, the US Supreme Court, in the “Loper Bright” case,
overruled an earlier U.S. Supreme Court decision that resulted in “the
Chevron doctrine”. For four decades, that doctrine required federal courts to
accept the federal agencies’ interpretations of ambiguous or broad statutes.
The Chevron doctrine was a foundation of administrative law and
afforded flexibility to successive U.S. presidential administrations to interpret
statutes via agency hearings and rule making. The Loper Bright decision will
have substantial impact on both regulated industries and agencies.

In this week’s Freedom Hour, Peymon will explain how much of an
impact the overturning of the Chevron doctrine will have on the ability of the
Treasury Department and the IRS to write self-serving rules and regulations
and interpret their own rules and regulations in agency hearings and Tax Court/

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