Unsure Times

2 months ago

Everything is changing so rapidly. How do you steady yourself in times such as these?? Making decisions is much harder because everything we know and knew, seems to be shaking. These are such unsure times and when we do step out, it feels like we are stepping out on shaky ground.

Our future does not look like it will go the way we planned it. There is a lot of instability in our cultures. We look and we see negative changes for the worse, in our chaotic culture. So if we need to navigate through a tight channel to find our way through, the navigational buoy helps keep us on track, so we can safely go through the channel even if the inlet is a frenzy of chaotic cultural change.

There are people in our time, terrible people, doing awful things as they are directed by evil, wanting to hurt and destroy us. People in our time are evil as they are serving no power higher than self corruption, and this causes grave consequences in our lives, and we have to face hard things that we never even had begun to imagine having to deal with.

But GOD, He is with us, He is the red buoy in the inlet of blue evil, He is the only One who can and will lead us out to safety. We can find our way out of every rough situation as the Spirit of God guides us with His discernment and as we listen up to Him. God is always available to us and He charts our course safely out of stormy, and very rough channels, thwarting very evil plan to crash our boat and bringing us safely into the open sea and out of the chaos of a wild inlet.

God makes a way for us where there seems to be no way. Jesus is our Deliverer and will stand in front of us when the enemy comes in like a flood and we can’t take another step in safety. We are never dead ended, because God finds us a good path out of evil traps laid for us, as He never leaves us nor forsakes us. If our culture is chaotic in the mediatic false frenzy which evil has stirred up, God makes a way of truth for us. There is never a time where we will not know our next step as Jesus shines His light of truth through the darkness of deception ahead of us.

We will never be boxed in by the enemy of our soul as we stay in followship of God. It doesn’t matter how much deceptive havoc our enemy stirs up, or how much muck and mire the people enticed by evil greed throw out on us, the Holy Spirit of God will lead us through, protecting us, cleansing us, keeping us, and giving us the favor we need to succeed. Even though greed is followed up by injustice nipping at its heals, we serve a God of Justice, Who can and will make the crooked places straight, and thwart the evil plans of our enemy.

Yes, because people have lost their way and have served no power higher than themselves, we have unsure times, but we can have a firm foundation when we step out in Christ Jesus, our identity wholly-holy in Him. He is our Way-Maker. There is never a time that we have chosen followship of God, that we will be lost, betrayed, forgotten, or forsaken. Jesus Christ is our anchor, and He is the buoy we can follow to safely to make our way in a world where all our societies are in chaos, stirring up whirlwinds which create unsure times, with currents that can carry us away. We can stop drifting away from God in times such as these, if we are anchored in Christ Jesus, He is an anchor that will hold. Let be, be still and know He is God.
Dig Deeper:
Psalm 46 https://www.bible.com/bible/1713/PSA.46.CSB

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