The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Playthrough (Actual N64 Capture) - Part 31

7 months ago

This is part 31 of my capture of me playing through The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask on the Nintendo 64. This is not an emulator and was not played on the Wii Virtual Console. This footage was recorded directly from my Nintendo 64 using an actual Collector's Edition (gold cartridge) copy of Majora's Mask.

In this thirty-first part I completed Stone Tower Temple and collected the stray fairies inside the dungeon.

Unfortunately, during the Twinmold fight I somehow managed to fall off the edge of the boss arena and had to run from the dungeon entrance back to the boss room. I don't know if this is a glitch or a feature, but either way it's absolute bullshit.

Stone Tower Temple stray fairies:

Stray fairy # 1 - Shoot the eye - 0:26
Stray fairy # 2 - Hookshot to the hidden ledge - 4:02
Stray fairy # 3 - Sun switch - 9:39
Stray fairy # 4 - Use the mirrors on the sun block - 10:00
Stray fairy # 5 - Fly to the hidden ledge - 11:30
Stray fairy # 6 - Roll to the lava switch - 12:50
Stray fairy # 7 - Bomb the hidden switch - 16:51
Stray fairy # 8 - Defeat the Eyegore - 18:04
Stray fairy # 9 - Hit the switch and remove the sun block - 6:28 & 21:18
Stray fairy # 10 - Shoot sun switch near entrance - 18:50 & 23:46
Stray fairy # 11 - Step on the switch and reach the chest - 8:08 & 25:21
Stray fairy # 12 - Place a statue on the switch - 26:39
Stray fairy # 13 - Defeat the Wizrobe - 32:47
Stray fairy # 14 - Step on the switch - 7:10 & 43:06
Stray fairy # 15 - Shoot the sun switch - 28:02 & 43:39

Recorded with the Hauppauge HD PVR and the official N64 S-video cable. I used a Toshiba model D-R550 DVD Recorder to upconvert the N64's native 240p signal to 480i so that the Hauppauge could capture the console's audio/video signal.

I'm using a standard N64 controller.

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